Do I have keratosis pilaris?

With keratosis pilaris being commonly confused with acne, eczema, psoriasis as well as many other skin or medical conditions, many people are wondering if they have KP. Our goal is to educate the public as to exactly what keratosis pilaris actually is, it’s typical signs and symptoms as treatments for KP. If you’re at all wondering if you might have KP, please see our KP pictures section and read up on the most frequently asked questions about this condition.

If it turns out that you do have it, we can inform you on what may cause your outbreaks and / or make your symptoms worse, as well as show how to treat your KP and clear it up for good.

Let’s start with those wondering if they do indeed have KP. Look at the areas of your skin that are bothering you. Keratosis pilaris will usually produce a redness (very common) in the skin or another type of skin discoloration accompanied by small (goosebump sized) bumps on the affected area.

Keratosis pilaris on the shoulders

What areas of your skin are bothering you? A pretty clear indicator of whether or not you have KP is exactly what areas of your skin are acting up or “breaking out”. Keratosis pilaris is VERY typical on the upper arms, many times continuing down to the lower arms as well. Also, it can be present on the cheeks, upper legs and knees and the buttocks. These are quite typically the normal areas where it will show up, as well as a strong clue that you may have KP if these are the areas that are primarily bothering you.

Cases of keratosis pilaris on the face are more common in toddlers and young children, however, there are many adults who get the bumps and redness on their face as well.

KP can also show up on your shoulders, your back and the back of the neck. Although this is a bit more rare, it’s not so rare that it’s unheard of.

If you do have keratosis pilaris (regardless of the location), you should read through this site, as there are many different treatment methods discussed. What’s important to note is that what works for some people with KP, doesn’t necessarily work for everyone.

That seems to be the case with keratosis pilaris more then almost any other skin condition, as no one knows 100% exactly what causes KP to show up or get worse on the body. The only thing known for sure is that it is a genetically inherited skin condition.

A general rule of thumb for anyone with KP is to exfoliate daily (even twice per day) with a loofah and a high quality exfoliating scrub. You should also moisturize your skin two or more times per day using a premium (non-oily) moisturizer (after having gently dried your skin with a clean towel).

Recently, an all natural treatment for keratosis pilaris has been getting a lot of national media attention. Many people are attributing their being KP free to this new system, which uses commonly available ingredients that can be bought at any grocery store. You can learn more about it here.